I tend to always try & value people's privacy when I'm out. In the US & especially the northeast if people have a public fight or cry, everyone ignores it but is it right?

There were 2 people behind me in a restaurant today. Lady A was yelling loudly at Lady B. Nonstop, threw a glass on the table, left. Lady B was quiet the entire time trying to compose herself & not cry. B got up & looked at me, I feel bad for making eye contact because she was definitely checking to see if me & my friend

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I'd have asked "can I do anything to help you right now" politely. If she would've said no or wouldn't have responded, I'd have left.

Also, what you did was also right. This isn't a black and white situation.


I'll try that next time because honestly I don't feel good right now. I get shy talking to people but would've been worth checking on someone. Thank you.


Part of me says yes ask her next time, but the other part of me thinks people are insane and you might get involved in something crazy by accident. Tough call.



noticed. She was embarrassed. She seemed like A's mom. Older woman. Night time. I of course don't know anything about the 2 women so I can't judge.

But should I have went up to her after A left and asked if she was okay? Is that intruding on someone's privacy? It was felt like such a dark fight. She looked to be holding a lot in. I just felt terrible after. Sometimes I don't know if acting like other's are in their own world is a good thing.

Advice on what to do if I ever encounter something like this? Would you want someone to talk to you or leave you alone?


I always ask if the person is ok or if they need someone to listen, it’s the human thing to do. Worse they can say is no but at least you did your part.


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