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Make a proof chart that includes columns for your evidence proving/disproving each element of the claims (and the opposing evidence), then keep track of what gets in and what testimony relates to those items. Will make your life much better for post-trial briefing (and charge conference)!
Also bring a copy of the pattern jury instructions/questions for your jurisdiction. Will help as quick reference for relevance of different evidence/DV motions/etc.
My partner told me that Trial Techniques and Trial by Mauet is the trial bible. It’s amazing
More important than what any book author has to say is to know and understand the partner’s trial preferences. You need to be familiar with all the exhibits and know exactly how they like everything organized. You need to be their right hand for any questions about the case. I’d chat with other associates who have second chaired for the partner in the past.
Do a deep dive on each member of your jury panel (google, social media, etc) and set up an excel document to consolidate your research. Also research the judge you’ll be in front of, as well as opposing counsel. Plan and organize attire ahead of time so there’s no last minute dry cleaning to worry about. Put together a “trial box” - a pencil case (or similar) with extra exhibit stickers, sharpies, pens, highlighters, paper clips, a tide to go pen, white out, extra usb drive, spare power cord(s), and any specific items for illustrative purposes (when I was in criminal litigation I kept sugar packets with me, since they’re a perfect example of what 1 gram looks like, as well as a mini tape measure - med experts often use metric, so it’s a quick way to covert to standard for a jury). Good luck!!
Just please please be careful that you have your settings so that you are searching anonymously. You do not want your first trial to become focused on a conversation in chambers about whether notification to a juror of you browsing a juror's LinkedIn etc constitutes contact with the juror.
Make sure the witness prep binders are in the right order for the partner, all discovery is outlined, all pre trial stuff is done correctly. I would think about it more from the perspective of how do you help someone else get ready for trail, rather than how do you do a trial
Love this thread. No advice, just following. GOOD LUCK OP!!
There are so many books out there. Just search Amazon, whether you want a general overview of trial or something more specific like cross examination. Find the top rated ones.
Will you be taking an active role in the trial (e.g., conducting any of the examinations) or will you essentially just be there in a support capacity?