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If you can afford it max out your trad 401k and a Roth IRA as well.
This is what I would do. If you're above the phased out, you can still do a traditional contribution to a Roth IRA with the backdoor.
Do some research about why people pick Roth or traditional. But whatever you choose, I recommend having some tax diversification (a combination of Roth and traditional in either or both 401k and IRA funds). This can be achieved over the course of your career.
For IRA or 401k?
401k, unless I should do IRA as well?
Depends on tax rate too... if higher tax rate now then where u expect to retire then Roth doesn’t make sense
Thank you all! Okay so to begin I’m going to do traditional 401k maxed out and then see where I go from there. Maybe a Roth IRA after ( after some additional research)
Thank you :)
Can you do a Roth 401k