5 rounds of interviews and final interview case study and I get the dreaded thanks, but no thanks email and feedback that I did have the desired experience for the role. Why take up 6 weeks of my and their teams time? I am amazed by the amount of “waste” and “cost” an agile / lean company would burn through on a candidate they see as unsatisfactory. I Meh!
Seems like a pretty long process for an agile company…. Heck, that’s enough time to fit a few sprints in. I totally get you’re point in that lol.
I'm sorry you didn't get the job, but it sounds like you just went through a normal interview process. What they see on your resume only tells part of the story, but how you articulate your experience in the interview process tells the rest of the story. It wasn't a waste of time or resources on anyone's part. They needed to hear the rest of your story that they couldn't glean from your resume to make a decision. While you obviously had the experience on paper that they were looking for, you didn't meet their expectations when they dug in deeper. And/or someone else had better experience that more closely aligned with what they were looking for. Again, I'm sorry you didn't get the job, but this is how the process works. Pick yourself up and crush the next one. Good luck!
From what I’m experiencing it’s normal I believe it’s because the company sees it less of a waste of time than picking the wrong person for the job cause it’s harder to get rid of a unsustainable worker for a role then to filter out to get the perfect candidate and in the job market at the moment the companies can pick and choose who they want because there is so many be graduates all begging to do the jobs for cheaper