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2/24 Thread (General):
Why is PINS up today
Thoughts on buying Amazon stock now?
11/19 Thread (General):
Disney puts? Seem cheap in June.
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Bowl Leader
NVDA report presents some risk to AAPL 5/29 position so just keep that in mind heading into close. Chance it rallies with tech if NVDA blows it out of the water which they’ll need to do given the parabolic move higher. If they miss, AAPL puts should be in the money for 5/29 strikes going to 310 or lower by 5/29 and possibly by tomorrow.
Thanks for the insight!
Bowl Leader
Took 50 SNAP $17Ps for July exp @ 1.15
Bowl Leader
I debated between $15 strike or August strike to get earnings. Just look at their report, it was horrible. 2% growth in usage? Decline in downloads. TikTok is taking over share and may IPO.
Bowl Leader
So far today
Bowl Leader
Here you go
Bowl Leader
Took 10 SBUX $80P for June 19 @ 3.75
Bowl Leader
NVDA is going to determine whether or not NDX breaks down significantly.
Puts on appl today going into the weekend?
Bowl Leader
Post is below.
Sbux puts?
There’s a reason why Nespresso sales are going thru the roof...
What was the huge pop right there?
Bowl Leader
Huge pop was trade headline “progress” being made on phase 1
BC - are you selling and taking profits on your 5/29s or waiting for a major dip?
Bowl Leader
Buying into more of them on that spike higher. Staying ITM 320s and 6/19 expirations too
Thoughts on CMG?
Bowl Leader
Trying to think how to play AMD off the back of NVDA earnings. Thoughts? I could see it break above $60 in a short period if NVDA delivers
Grabbed a few 5/29 57c today right before close and will see where it is at open.
Bowl Leader
More China headlines turning market quickly