5ft 10 in is the ideal height for dudes. More than that and you’re an Avatar, less than that and you’re too short.

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This is it. This is my moment!


I mean there is a decent case to make over 6ft is ideal for most women. 5ft 9in is average male height. Most people don’t want to be average or date average. It’s wired into our evolutionary psychological system through what scientists have determined to be the “sexy son” hypothesis.

A woman who is 5ft 2inch could easily date a man 5ft 7 but will pursue the 6ft tall dude because he will likely produce the best children who can survive in the wild. It’s also why on average women prefer men who have more muscles as it’s an outward sign of excess calories.

This is also why danish sperm is highly prized for Viking genes and height.

But I’m biased as I’m 6ft 2inch and clearly benefit from this science.



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I'm five foot, ten inches. Those are two separate measurements.


D1, DM so i can do some research 😏
-a hot guy haha

When things go horizontal, height doesn't matter 😶


The height of something else does😏

At 5’10”, your average-height GF might still be taller than you depending on the heel she decides to wear.

It’s the equivalent of making $90K - you’re almost there, but you’re not.


Avg women height in America is 5’4. Really high heels is already 4 inch. Unless she’s busting her butt with higher heels, 5’10” is still very tall!


No, 6’0” is.


I don’t get it 🤔

Your DMs blowing up with medium kings OP?


I prefer to be called King size, thx

It’s the inches not the feet that matter if you catch my drift 😏


I have never understood this obsession with heigh. I’ve dated men ranging from 5’4” to 6’4”. I just don’t get why this is so correlated to attraction for so many women. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ditto BCG2!!


Somebody seems insecure with their short tier status I see


5ft 10in is the perfect height. You fit regular plane seats just fine, yet your feet still firmly reach the floor so you can evacuate the aircraft in case of an emergency



Are you counting the inches after guys stand on their wallets too?


Leave the short kings alone 😪


I disagree with this premise. 5ft 7in is the perfect height


Hahaha ok that was pretty clever SA1! I just let out an infectious chuckle


It’s kind of a difficult thing to describe but at 6’2” it sometimes feels the world was made for people of a smaller frame. Not in a way that I feel disadvantaged, it’s just a smidge awkward taking up the amount of space I do.

Except at Walmart. When you’re tall at Walmart, you become a volunteer reacher the moment you walk through the door.


Oh man… C2, I do find short men to have crazy amount of insecurities. Speaking from experience but my data pool is small. Go find your tall King 🤴 befitted for this tall Queen 👸!!!


5’11.5” and proud so I can round up when I tell women


This is me but 5’11.75”. I tell myself “6 foot in shoes”.

Not at all.. thats my height in most of my shoes. 5’10 is the min.


Ill get you a ladder so you can bring me some oompa loompa

6’4” has been pretty ideal for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


5’10 is a bit short. For instance I’m only 5’7 and with heels and good posture I’m about 5’10. Maybe you meant 6’0?




6’2 source myself


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