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Survey please respond Big 4
Hi Everyone,
I run an analytics website that aims to provide more transparency for college students and young working professionals into potential career paths. I have a survey below specifically targeted for Big 4 professionals. If you have the time can you please fill out this survey? The survey will not ask for any personal information. If you are interested in the results of the survey please email
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🙏🙏🙏🙏 for some likes so I can DM people…thank youuu
Additional Posts in The Worklife Bowl
Chicago what is going on in your city??
My kid would do this

“50//50” slaps 🔥
If the election were today, how would you vote?
Another shining example of voter suppression, folks. This is American democracy. Link below:
“Kentucky cutting number of polling places for Tuesday’s primary from 3700 to 200
There will be one polling place for 616,000 registered voters in Louisville’s Jefferson County, where half of the state’s black voters live.”
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unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Who are these people devoid of reality or sense ? And why do they keep posting ?
It's the same Manager from EY
Gonna be a fun party at the hospitals two weeks later.
January 2021
I have got the date down to a math.
DATEADD(dd, 30,vaccine_found_date)
You first.
Yeah...... I’ll let you go party first, and if you aren’t in ICU 🍻 on me
Rising Star
I'll stay home so that I can repopulate the earth after the party is over. Last man alive on the planet style 👍🏼
Sorry, can’t infringe on my freedom from not dying. I’m going to keep staying away from people until the numbers show a continued decreasing trend for a couple months after social distancing has ended. That’s the beauty of science. It doesn’t care what people’s feelings are. I only care about the numbers
Rising Star
Freedom of self-preservation.
And this is why we’re about to experience The Greatest Depression.
Rising Star
Good lord the covidiots are making consultants look really bad in this bowl.
I want someone to do this. I’ll watch out on the sidelines for the next 1-2 months watching.
No you won’t. The standard is “when the vaccine comes”. They have been working on a vaccine for some viruses for decades.
At some point you will have to come out, the rest of the world is going to get over the fear and move on without you.
Liberate the USA!
REVISION. Give me liberty AND give me death.
Good luck eliminating fear without a vaccine or cure
I’m ready. Everyone’s time will come at some point so why not get it over with
Hey in that case, there's a cliff somewhere that would be happy to have you. I mean if we are all going to go at some point and you don't care when?
What do you purpose when this reopening incur more illness and deaths? Health is more important than money. I encourage everyone to stay home and practice good health habits.
When you're in a role where you can work from home and keep yourself relatively safe, I'm not sure you're the best placed to recommend that everyone else go back to work and put themselves at risk.
I thought we were talking about the show at first 😢
Ok ok good point, let a good thing lay
And when do you propose we do this?
I feel we should wait until July/August. There has been progress on finding drugs that help and what not
More places will get damaged if people are too afraid to go outside.
Rising Star
If we reopen, a lot of people will get sick and die and then people will be REALLY afraid to go outside, because it will be much easier to catch, because a lot of people have it.
This is a pandemic, not a groundhog not seeing its shadow or a stock market. What part of this is hard for you to understand?