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Nagarro is hiring for multiple Devops positions for Experienced professionals
SNO.1. Devops Administration - 2-5 yrs, Devops toolchain and infrastructure concepts, Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes
SNO.2. Cloud Infrastructure and Security - 4.5-9.5 yrs, Cloud Migration, IaaS Concepts,Cloud Security
SNO.3. Devops Administration - 4-9 yrs, Jenkins, Kubernetes/Docker/Groovy
SNO.4. Devops AWS - 4-9 yrs, AWS CodeDeploy
SNO.5. Devops Azure - 4.5-9.5 yrs, Azure DevOps
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Nagarro is hiring for multiple Devops positions for Experienced professionals
SNO.1. Devops Administration - 2-5 yrs, Devops toolchain and infrastructure concepts, Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes
SNO.2. Cloud Infrastructure and Security - 4.5-9.5 yrs, Cloud Migration, IaaS Concepts,Cloud Security
SNO.3. Devops Administration - 4-9 yrs, Jenkins, Kubernetes/Docker/Groovy
SNO.4. Devops AWS - 4-9 yrs, AWS CodeDeploy
SNO.5. Devops Azure - 4.5-9.5 yrs, Azure DevOps
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