A black person has to be extremely friendly in this industry. Smile at all times. Its very easy for them to be seen as agitated, angry or intimidating. Wish it wasn't like that ....tell me it isn't.

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Anyone could make this argument of any race, sex, or orientation. If you are looking to be offended you will feel offended at some point. If you live life truly color blind it will not be a problem. The law of attraction has a real effect on these things


I’m a black woman and please don’t deceive yourselves if you think the color of my skin does not matter. I deal with it frequently. And yes I have to work twice as hard as my white counterparts just to gain an inch. Unless you are black, I don’t think you can truly understand or comment how we must feel.

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This post is an HR nightmare


You have to pretend to be friendly no matter what color you are, it's called the business world.


I don't give a shit if people don't smile at me. People are so damn soft.


Latino here, and I agree. As “minorities” we have to realize that this is is the way it’s going to be everywhere we go. A partner once told me “fake it until you make it”


This is just false


I don’t understand why we always feel the need to correct minorities on stuff like this. When someone is sharing their personal reality, you can’t tell them they’re wrong just because it doesn’t match your lived experience...


Being a minority has it’s benefits here for sure, but I’m not gonna lie and act like certain partners aren’t suspect towards us at times. I honestly think if you aren’t an attractive white dude you’re gonna have some sort of bs to deal with and that’s just the way life is.


@RSM2 If you're saying "everyone has to be friendly" or "anyone can be an asshole," then you're missing the point.

The issue is when certain groups are held to a different standard than others. A black person doesn't have to just be friendly, they have to be *extremely* friendly. Have you ever heard the phrase "working twice as hard to get half as far?"

It's not just that a black person is expected to be friendly. Obviously everyone should be friendly in a workplace. It's that they have to go above and beyond to make others feel comfortable in their presence. The same standard wouldn't be applied to other people that don't fit the angry/intimidating stereotype.


I believe anyone can be an asshole regardless of race gender national origin or service line.


Why don't we just blame the white partners and senior managers setting the tone at the top and call it a day. good thing they will all retire soon. Wait... they keep promoting people who look exactly like them. Nvm, continue with the discussion


Agreed. I don't see it as much from lower levels, but more so the subtle actions from sr. mgrs and partners (read: generally older white guys). Similar thing happens with women, though not the angry/intimidating stereotype. Instead, women can't be blunt without being seen as a bitch. I have to sugarcoat things for damn adults or I'll be told that I'm too "harsh." 🙄 take into account minority women are dealing with both of these issues... it just really sucks. I don't have any advice other than to say yes this is a real thing and it's frustrating.


If you aren't a minority, you can't legitimately say this perspective isn't true. You CAN say that you don't look at minorities that way, and I can appreciate that. But generally speaking, I can relate to OP's post and the pressure to always come across happy, friendly, etc. in order to make others feel comfortable.


I'll be honest here. As a Pakistani expat I can attest that it is easier being a Pakistani tabbooed by media always painting a gloomy picture than it is to be a black person.

I have a black female who on my driveway, was searched by the police "cause she looked like a person who robbed Walgreens 2 hours ago". I see blacks do get automatically secluded from groups then me, a guy who doesn't drink at happy hours.

Bottom line, yes blacks have it tough. Really tough. And instead of excuses, we should really try to be in their shoes!


^ 100% agree


RSM 2 - ignoring the problem like it isn’t there is kinda why this country is the way it is.


I just said I wish it wasn't like that. Not a racist post at all.


The comments here are concerning. I understand that people such as EY 6 don’t see themselves as prejudiced in any way, but you have to recognize the impact of implicit and institutional bias and how it is pervasive and impacts everyone.


The only reason it’s like that is because you obviously don’t know any people of color. I grew up in a predominantly African-American neighborhood, so most of my friends growing up were black or latino. Because of my upbringing I am actually way more comfortable around people of color than I am around white people. I think a huge part of this issue is perception because the average white person, while not necessarily racist, has not taken the time to get to know a black person. So you see a black person act a certain way and assume they are angry or aggressive.


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