A colleague sent me an email to notify me of a sale on his favorite wine: $200/bottle

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Which part is ridiculous: the price, the sale, or the fact that your colleague took the time to share something personal?


Some people are out of touch?


One time a coworker explained to me how cheap flights were to Mexico City by reciting the first class prices to me and I realized I’m okay with being middle class


There people who have, and people who spend.


What a steal😂

An associate recently yelled loud enough for half the floor to hear about how he "got [brand] shoes at [designer boutique a block from the office] for guess how much?! $300!!!"

Maybe it's a great deal but considering 80% of the earshot audience was staff making normal people midwest salary it was gross

cheap. my boss gets 20k bottles of van winkle.

What a sucker.


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Be a decent 🇺🇸.

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Share your approach towards this question.. Hope many of us would have dealt with this situation..



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