Derrick White is an important member of a team playing in the NBA finals... do you think anyone on that court cares that he got zero D1 offers out of high school?
There's probably some correlations between a stellar education and competency in the workplace, but the only thing anyone cares about is how you're going to help your team execute and win.
Your connections are only valuable if they’re buyers. Are you a partner? Because the fellow Yale alums that are starting their careers as well don’t get you much.
I'm Ivy League and former MBB, and this post reeks of big headed, clueless associate who thinks they're the smartest person in the room - and I've had a number of those in my teams.
Do you realize how out of touch you sound? You realize that you are basically owning up to the fact that what you have in life is in little to no way contributed to your own merit?
You speak of ppl being given opportunities, like yours aren’t derived by who you (or more importantly your parents) know. Grow up.
I can’t hate on Ivey league legacy. I mean I’m 3rd generation at my non-Ivey alma matter, but I’m not Ivey league legacy. The thing is, if I WAS Ivey league legacy I would not have a problem with me at all and would probably be like the worst of them so I feel like I can’t really hate on this without being a hypocrite. Also - people always think if you come from a privileged family that has money that life is just perfect - couldn’t be further from the truth. We all struggle with relationships, finding happiness, and finding our place in the world. Some cry in a Toyota and some cry in a Beamer, but we all cry. Some of the most miserable people I’ve known have come from 1% families. Your hating on the Ivey league legacy and they are hating on billionaire kids who beat them in equestrian because they have more expensive horses and more time to train. Or maybe they are hating on that one classmate who got accepted into the firm when they got rejected and now their brother will get to lead the family biz instead of them.
There is always someone else who has more, there is always someone who is going to have less, all you can control is whether or not your going to be grateful with what you have. And hating on folks won’t help you get more if that’s what you want.
You seem a little unhinged OP, maybe go for a walk and count your blessings.
So much for Big Facts, legacy to ivy in class of 2023 range is 12-16 %. Dated ivy grad in law school and her father was a fireman. Heard she got disbarred. Oh well, she should have gone into firefighting.
A2 - do the math again - pure whites are about 62%! If you add Hispanic that identify has white (like former Mexican prez Vicinte Fox) than it’s 76% but Latino population would decrease to 6%. And I agree Asian are over represented in Ivy League. They ain’t no PoC for colleges and jobs. Sm2- if the Ivy numbers are fact, PoC represent more than whites so they should be fighting for their rights for equal representation based on demographic?😂
OP why don’t you just go buy a flashy car and yell at the cashier at Taco Bell or something equally parvenu, get it out of your system, them remember this when Harvard rejects your son/daughter in 20 years.
Rising Star
I was a first-gen college student and never felt intimidated by legacies at my ivy 🤷🏾♀️
Rising Star
Cookie for you 🍪🤭
Rising Star
Derrick White is an important member of a team playing in the NBA finals... do you think anyone on that court cares that he got zero D1 offers out of high school?
There's probably some correlations between a stellar education and competency in the workplace, but the only thing anyone cares about is how you're going to help your team execute and win.
Rising Star
Dang I didn’t realize this was a controversial opinion. Not sure why people here are getting so offended 😳🌚
Rising Star
Nah indifference would be just scrolling past the post
Rising Star
My connections are part of my skillset and qualifications
Your connections are only valuable if they’re buyers. Are you a partner? Because the fellow Yale alums that are starting their careers as well don’t get you much.
Who hurt you this early on a Saturday
Then we’re both aligned. Have a groovy Saturday
This is a weird take lol I went to an ivy with zero connections and I’m neither intimidated nor am I superior 🤷🏻♀️
First generation college attendee and graduate. Also went to Columbia (undergrad).🤗🤗
I also never felt intimated. Nor do I think I’m superior. I don’t know anyone who ever felt intimated. 🤷🏻♀️
Rising Star
Why assume we’re intimidated? Or need to feel superior?
This whole post comes from a place of insecurity…
Who is we? Are multiple people using your account?
I'm Ivy League and former MBB, and this post reeks of big headed, clueless associate who thinks they're the smartest person in the room - and I've had a number of those in my teams.
“New money” 😂
Do you realize how out of touch you sound? You realize that you are basically owning up to the fact that what you have in life is in little to no way contributed to your own merit?
You speak of ppl being given opportunities, like yours aren’t derived by who you (or more importantly your parents) know. Grow up.
I can’t hate on Ivey league legacy. I mean I’m 3rd generation at my non-Ivey alma matter, but I’m not Ivey league legacy. The thing is, if I WAS Ivey league legacy I would not have a problem with me at all and would probably be like the worst of them so I feel like I can’t really hate on this without being a hypocrite. Also - people always think if you come from a privileged family that has money that life is just perfect - couldn’t be further from the truth. We all struggle with relationships, finding happiness, and finding our place in the world. Some cry in a Toyota and some cry in a Beamer, but we all cry. Some of the most miserable people I’ve known have come from 1% families. Your hating on the Ivey league legacy and they are hating on billionaire kids who beat them in equestrian because they have more expensive horses and more time to train. Or maybe they are hating on that one classmate who got accepted into the firm when they got rejected and now their brother will get to lead the family biz instead of them.
There is always someone else who has more, there is always someone who is going to have less, all you can control is whether or not your going to be grateful with what you have. And hating on folks won’t help you get more if that’s what you want.
You seem a little unhinged OP, maybe go for a walk and count your blessings.
Visual Storyteller
@people and culture manager - I think many of the mid tier firms target community colleges, not Ivy League. Hence, the spelling you see here.
You took the time to find and post this meme. You’re not fooling anyone
You know I had some reservations with this post. Then I saw the “Big Facts” picture and knew you were a real one ✊🏼
Triggered people here - whew
Downloaded from “Stormfront.”
-DS1 with blazing fast tech career and 3 state school degrees
Fine with my career, but for sure annoyed by fancy school people who land with mediocre careers
First gen college student who grew up low-income and graduated from HYP. I believe legacies account for a fraction of the student body nowadays.
Rising Star
42% from public schools is freaking high number, given that private schools only account for 10% of students
The ratio of private school students that graduate to go to Yale is x6 higher than public school students
So much for Big Facts, legacy to ivy in class of 2023 range is 12-16 %. Dated ivy grad in law school and her father was a fireman. Heard she got disbarred. Oh well, she should have gone into firefighting.
Stay bitter
Are you mad because you’re Deloitte and not MBB? Tell the truth
None of this applies if you are a person of color😂
A2 - do the math again - pure whites are about 62%! If you add Hispanic that identify has white (like former Mexican prez Vicinte Fox) than it’s 76% but Latino population would decrease to 6%. And I agree Asian are over represented in Ivy League. They ain’t no PoC for colleges and jobs.
Sm2- if the Ivy numbers are fact, PoC represent more than whites so they should be fighting for their rights for equal representation based on demographic?😂
I just noticed the poster works at McKinsey. didn’t people go to Ivy Leagues to get into “McKinseys”?!
OP why don’t you just go buy a flashy car and yell at the cashier at Taco Bell or something equally parvenu, get it out of your system, them remember this when Harvard rejects your son/daughter in 20 years.
This isn't a confession.
My first thought