A friend opened up to me about her extra marital interest/dilemma surrounding that interest. She realizes her pattern due to some underlying issue she needs to resolve and is seeing a therapist, yet whenever we talk she goes into details related to this guy and about her dilemma. I have listened to her for 3 months and weighed in where I could, and I care about HER and her mental health. But if ask about her mental health she goes into stories about this dude. How do I establish my boundary? 🙏🏼
She wants your approval to take it the next step with this guy
😕 I guess so... to externalize the decision and get validation. Though my approval or not, she will have to live with the consequences. I also feel that she just wants an outlet to talk about him... just an ear to listen to her pining and how much he loves her and what not. I’m done listening to the same stories over and over!
I hate that I’m building resentment towards her conceited behavior around this topic. Don’t want to lose a friend nor do I want to have resentment towards my friend. But how do I openly talk to her if she’s being knowingly or unknowingly so conceited?? Ugh!
End rant.
Sounds like she’s knee deep in an affair and has no one else to share it with . I would call her ass out lol