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Half the threads here be like:
Oh Miami!!! How much I miss you!
At least it’s having a positive effect:®ion=footer
Visual Storyteller
They’re registered gun owners though . Also no looting or stealing from target.
Yes, and it’s unfortunate how things went in Louisville. No one is arguing that in this post tho. They need a new system and I’m sure everyone here agrees
Qwhite perplexed as to why
Not justifying trump, he has escalated this issue. However, the two protests cannot be compared. There were no riots, looting, mob lynching leading to bloody victims in those protests...
The cops were violent. In some cases, with no justification. What do you propose is the solution? More violence by protestors? U think crowds can match trained armed professionals with riot equipment when it comes to engaging in a violent situation?
This political battle cannot be won by physical fighting.
Did they loot it and set it on fire?
Missing the point....
Trump said he supported these protests... just not the rioting and looting. I don’t plan on voting for him but let’s stop the spread of divisiveness by posting stuff like this
He’s said nothing to acknowledge systemic racism or police brutality. Only “sorry for George Floyd, what a terrible single anomaly” type stuff. He also had a public park in DC with peaceful protestors cleared out with riot police using tear gas this afternoon so that he could have a photo op next to a church
That are not bashing windows and looting..
Rising Star
You are clearly missing the point here.
To everyone saying "they aren't looting"...if those 6 men were black and in the same pose/situation. Do you know what would have happened?
Rising Star
Yea and where is the Black Panthers org now?
To be clear...these are protestors with automatic weapons in front of the governors office.
@IBM1 please point out where in the message “You are embarrassing yourself and your company, OP. Time to put the phone down for the night” I make any claims to what any root issues are or are not?
You are now embarrassing yourself even more lol
Okay I DETEST Trump in every sense. But these examples aren’t helping our cause because they’re not comparable to the looting and burning that’s currently taking place. There’s plenty of hard facts that clearly prove this President’s failures, let’s use those instead of stuff like this.
Rising Star
What they did is legal and they are allowed to open carry. What the rioters are doing is not legal. How is this so hard for you all to understand??
Missing the point
Rising Star
If you cant understand the difference then theres no hope for you
Rising Star
Damn black Americans truly need healing. So quick to compare black and white and justify terrible actions. Is it ever possible to look at things objectively without bringing race into it?. Comparing what these men did to what is currently happening is beyond stupid. In case you were wondering, yes I am black,as black as they can be.
I wonder if many of the people commenting on this post would have been so angry and forceful with their posts (if they’d even posted) for every injustice and killing of black people at the hand of the police, as they are about rioting and looting.
I doubt it.
While I wouldn’t ever condone smashing up stores or stealing clothing or goods (I hate that side of the situation), I know they can be replaced.
Unlike the likes of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc etc etc etc etc. Where was your fight then?!
EY1 and that's why this problem persists. The exact same thing happened in 1968. Then we elected the law and order president Nixon and nothing changed.
The looting and riots are symptoms. If you only care about and solve them, the underlying problem that leads to them will never go away. And we'll be doing this all over again in 2070
And this. No tear gas needed here
Missing my total point...take the same peaceful protests ...shake up the protestors and give them automatic weapons and approach the state capitol.
Do you know what an automatic weapon is?
Some people's right to a haircut is more important than other people's right to live. Usually determined by the colour of their skin.
Conversation Starter
Also this. 👏🏽
Who’s the bigger looter?
Trump is looting the US Treasury and making $$ off the federal govt. sure he “donates” his salary quarterly but it pales in comparison.
1) large tax cuts for the rich
2 ) charging for his protection detail/ security and the like
3) foreign govt functions at his hotels
4) he wants the economy to open up due to his conflict of interest in hotel and other investments not making anything during the shutdown
EY1 point taken. Hopefully we can agree he is definitely profiting off of the presidency more than any other president in recent history.
Visual Storyteller
Visual Storyteller
I wonder what the anti protestors said about the Unite the Right protests