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How many total leaves are there in RSM US LLP?
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Hello guys
One HR called me a few days back regarding an interview but I have not received any mail or interview link yet, I’ve been trying to reach out to the HR since Morning as the interview is supposed to be tomorrow but she isn’t picking up. Does it mean that I won’t be having the interview? Jpmc has been a dream since loooooong :(JPMorgan Chase
Anyone at kpmg willing to chat?
It really depends on where you are and your company.
I worked up until I delivered. My kids were nice enough to arrive on the weekend.
Where I am, it's a set number of weeks so I didn't want to waste any of it before the kids came.
That's amazing, thank you!
Usually you vet a set number of weeks for maternity leave (12 weeks or so) and you can start as early as you want but most people wait as long as possible so they can use that time at home with their newborn rather than just at home and pregnant.
My wife went until the day she delivered to maximize the leave
The earliest I’ve seen is a week before (unless they were put on bed rest)
I took off 2 weeks early with both to rest and prepare but both of them came the next day. 38 weeks is the magic number I guess.
At our company you can take full length of available short-term disability for maternity leave, which is 14 weeks. But you can't really take it early because of that.
Few days to 2 weeks to birth. Women all over the world are expected to have super human powers.
I worked while in labor and then they terminated my health insurance because I had the audacity to have my baby over the weekend. I was even told to “avoid having babies over the weekend next time” by my boss
They sent me a COBRA letter (COBRA is for when you lose your job. You’re given the option to continue coverage but your employer is no longer paying their portion so it’s anywhere from $1000-$2000 a month. Which is totally doable when you’re unemployed /s). The wording made it sound like I’d been fired and apparently I wasn’t the first person this had happened to. I definitely could’ve sued them. They also violated HIPPA because I told them I was pregnant at 9 weeks and did not consent for them to share that news with the team (they asked me directly when I told them and I said no) but they did it anyway. They get away with it because they do it to new moms that don’t have the time, energy or money to sue them for it.
Large companies follow the state of California guidelines.
I think it honestly depends on the person OP. I know people who have worked right up until they went into labor, and others who have started their leave a week or two before. I think it kind of depends on if it is a smooth pregnancy or not as well.