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Happy Jewish New Year to everyone on here!
“People in Toronto are really loving this billboard right now.” Why? Just why, NFA? I’m not sure what I’m more upset about, the creative or the obvious attempt to make a bland piece of creative something people care about by pushing advertorials about that bland creative that makes it sound like the next coming of Benetton.
“I was pleasantly surprised, though because I'm cis gender and a boomer. “ says Boomer that’s actually a 28 year old social media manager.

Sunday snuggles 💕😴

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What does a good nurse leader look like?
If timing is the ONLY thing keeping you from going back to that previous! Your mental health sounds like it's taken a hit from new job only bc it's closer. If your quality of life was overall better bc work bs didnt affect your home/personal life at your old job that commute is sooo worth it. Just my two cents, though.
I think your peace of mind is way more valuable than that commute. Choose you!
Of course it’s worthwhile, why would you not?! Can you share more about what makes you miserable at the new job? Is moving closer to your old job an option so that you can have a nice commute AND a nice job?
I left nursing because of that bad bedside job! If you want to stay in the field, go back to the team you love! It’s worth it. And it least it’s only 3x a week instead of 5. Good luck!!
I hate to commute. It’s part of why I live in a metropolitan area. But you could not convince me to stay in a toxic job. Which will bring you more peace and reward? Follow your heart.
When I drove down there before I didn’t mind the commute. I’m not driving during rush hour so traffic isn’t bad.
A good employer that you like it worth it.
This is really tough. Since moving and remote work are not your options, then maybe you should go back to your old job. The fact that you were much happier is enough reason for you to go back.
Can the job you want to go back to be done remotely? Workplace modification has really changed since Covid. You could ask to be remote you could ask to be hybrid meaning you go in a couple of days and work from home the other days. it always pays to ask the worst they can say is no, but then it helps you make an informed choice.
And moving is not an option.