About to make a big move to MBB in London inshalla but worried about work-deen balance (long hours, time pressure, social events). Any folks got tips / willing to discuss their experiences?

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No tips, but congrats on the move! We need people like us at big firms! Godspeed, friend.


Thank you/JazakAllah khair 🙌


Former McK.

Find good, honest, respectful people to work for. I don’t care what the topic is (assuming it’s halal), if the Partners and EMs are good I would have done it. Client is a garage company, but leadership is amazing? 100% do it. Client is the coolest company on the planet, but leadership is horrible shitty humans? NEVER do it.

Example from my time: I remember Ramadan 2021 I was basically told that there would be no change in my work schedule despite me fasting. Wasn’t asking for less hours just adjusting the start time, I tried the working from 9 am-1/2/3 am, sleep until Sahoor, and sleep. After about 2 weeks I was in the ER thinking I was either having a heart attack (31, M, overall healthy). AP gave ZERO f&$ks, quit that project that day.
Next project was the POLAR opposite, the EM/AP made sure I was able to make Taraweeh EVERY NIGHT, SteerCo was moved so I could enjoy Eid, and they sent a Eid gift to celebrate. They set me up for success and made sure I got the right training and was able to land an amazing job when I left.


@AD hit the nail on the head. Holy crap does a good manager, pm, mentor make a difference. You need to be an advocate for yourself, but also have people advocate for you.


Small but big tip. Start every morning with fajr prayer and three pages of Quran. 1) can’t tell u how much peace and Baraka it’ll give you 2) it’ll keep you connected always!


I'm not at one of the MBBs, but at a macro level YOU dictate the balance. Remember that Islam teaches balance and not an extreme.

With that in mind, what specifically are you worried about ie, Not being able to pray, Going to happy hour with your colleagues, engagement that might be unethical?

Can you give us more color?

Also congrats! You got this!!

Ahh the drinking the Kool-Aid! Again, this is all within your control. You dictate how much Kool-Aid you drink. As a workaholic what has always helped me is to:

1.) Go back to the basics -family, school, helping ppl who want to be in your shoes, give back to your community, etc.

What got you to the MBB? I go visit my boss every so often bc that's where it all began and I see my family everyday. It keeps me grounded.

2.) Remind yourself that a job/position/education does NOT define you.

3.) If you find solace in prayer/Quran. That.

4.) Unplug. Please Unplug and create work/life boundaries


Is it okay to pm you?

I am also looking to make the move into MBB in the future and would appreciate if I could ask you a few questions please.

Hahah yeah sure, go for it 👍


I’ve been wanting to move to London but scared to as a single female. Good luck though, there are tons of Muslims there. You’ll meet a lot of diverse people and no doubt you’ll be able to make tons of friends. Lots of networking events!
I’m assuming work life balance will be a bit different there from the US. You’ll most likely have a bit more holidays so you can travel to different countries for even a weekend trip!
So exciting!!

First off, congratulations on making it to MBB. I also started aggressively interviewing with B4s and boutique consulting firms a while ago but backed out from MBBs. Personally, wasn’t sure about WLB but heard its much better at B4s/boutiques in London. IA, i will get to hear a good news soon and make my move.

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