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Does EY-Parthenon have international opportunities for US practitioners? I’m looking to get some international experience once the pandemic subsides to a manageable level in a year or so. Also, is this possible at the SD level? Or are US SDs expected to stick around in the US and focus on US market sales until they make Partner?
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Oh the accuracy 🙃😅

I’m a few years away from this but it’s a huge looming fear for me. I’ve been on 30mg xr daily since college, but I remember the days before it when I couldn’t absorb a paragraph end-to-end no matter how long I stared at it.
Good luck, rooting for you 💕
I have been off medication since we started trying, then throughout the pregnancy and as we are trying for our second, now in the IVF process. It's been tough though I was only on medication for a short while before that and I had anxiety complications from the meds anyway.
I don't really have any great tips for managing without medication, my main go-to is using music and background TV shows to focus (have to be selective about what kind though) and there are certain types of work stations I work better at than others. I've heard meditation works but haven't been able to get myself to do it.
There's other techniques, perhaps you could start seeing someone for CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) - they do say the best approach is to not only take meds but also incorporate CBT anyway.
Regular exercise is the #1 natural way to curb ADHD symptoms. And focusing on good sleep habits.
I don’t have answers, but I’m in the same boat and going through fertility treatments now. Sending good vibes!
I see this is an old post but just saw it. I am severely ADD and a mom now. I was on adderall and stopped taking it when I found out I was pregnant. My saving grace was finding out I was also very anemic and needed to take prescription iron supplements. The iron pills affected me like adderall. It was like a shot of energy, I could focus and get work done! I don’t remember the strength but I took 3 prescription pills a day, or 2 if I had an easier day. Ask your doc about that and ask to have a blood test done, even if you’re borderline anemic they might prescribe it.
Either way, rest assured that your body will adjust to being off of meds. And a cup or 2 of coffee a day is okay. focus while we’re trying to get pregnant (which could take a while) and once we do. I feel like a skipping record without my medication. Has anyone been through this? How did you cope? I worry that the anxiety will make getting pregnant even harder. Any advice from others who have been through it?
Learn to meditate!! If you can exercise that would help a lot as well.