Hi All,
Can anyone suggest/refer a good company which can offer competitive salary for Data analist profile.
Currently working on a really low package
Skills - SQL , Advanced excel, Salesforce, Manufacturing, Lean Six Sigma
Exp - 4.5 years.
Education- Electrical engg. (DTU 2K17 Batch)
49 (not 50 yet!) $1.3M
I made partner July 1, 2005 (FY06). I passed the $1M mark 2 years ago.
23 and 75k. feel pretty damn lucky with where I'm at compared to my friends I graduated with.
20 and 0
This was the best answer
13 and $1M. I play fortnight
My gf always want to play “fork knife” with me
I'd be more interested to know the average # hours worked per week in addition to salary and age. Time is worth more than money.
true. I've really enforced the amount of hours I work.
22, and 160k
Why does every salary post have some ridiculous crap like this?
33 / 365 / new partner big 4
Much more impressive lol
34 and 256
@SM2 I’m an outlier that’s making Principal soon if it makes you feel better? Yes, we do federal consulting primarily.
dang u all 1%
33 and 91k
5 and 0
You are 5 years old?
I regret making this thread 😞
The larger Salaries are pretty standardized across cities
35, $900k last year
69 @ 1.69 + 80085
I really hope you guys caught on to the joke lol.
I feel broker and broker with every reply. Thanks Fish!
25 and 92k
28 and 177k spouse also in consulting
29, 280K
24 90k
40 and ~$1m
D a d d y
Somebody gonna make a scatter plot of this shit, or nah?
LMAO #facts
35 and 75k plus sales rev. Made $88k last year. I work minimum 43 hours per week, average 50 hours but I’ve worked as much as 88 hours in a week. Everyone else’s pay here makes me feel underpaid! Do I need an MBA. Undergrad only but 11+ years experience.
You need to move. Sounds like you're being underpaid.