Agree or disagree?

Is anyone at BigBasket? How's the company
What eft or stocks are you holding in your 401k?
My kid would do this
DC or Marvel?
On wearing 😷 😭
Have a chuckle.
Cant wait until the work day is over so I can nap.
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As a person who got the full first one: please sir can I have some more?
Oliver Twist !!
Every American should get $25,000 a month. Scratch that, $100,000 per month. Then give every homeless person $1 million. Why would we limit how much money the feds give everyone? Are you heartless? Do you hate the poor? The federal government is apparently super flush with cash and can give it away at will. They can never run out because the Fed can print more. Doesn’t matter if we print more because we’re the world reserve currency. It’s a win win win win.
Not a 1%. But I can formulate a witty response while trying to convey a thoughtful message. I can see evidence of neither from you k1.
Agree. And we need to find a way to include immigrants, homeless people, anyone who wasn’t included in the last round.
There are so many flaws in this. Have an SSN does not equal paying taxes does not equal citizen. Hell these concentric circles only really overlap for white bread Americans. This is literally the racist arguments Peddled by fox and friends because the equals is true FOR THEM.
Start with the requirements and then find ‘what fits requirements’. Not start with citizen and then go whoops when they doesn’t cover tax-paying people key to running our society.
Watching people laid off or with small business struggle is tough. Giving them another check will keep people from protesting, risking their lives to open their shops, etc.
Monthly checks, much higher than $1200, send to everybody to remove means testing. Slash corporate relief to all but small businesses.
Yes! Small businesses, self-employed, and wage earners - all who make less than ~100K (adjust for CPI for area) should receive monthly checks of about $1500 while closed
Rising Star
Every American citizen should get 1000$ a month.
^ this. I will always push for the next generation to have a better life.
Screw means testing. I’m phased out of these, but I’m paying for them. I want checks too.
Go into six figure debt to make six figure salary —> government tells you no stimulus check for you because your salary even though said debt enormously lowers your actual take home
Yea, screw means testing.
Gonna take a lot more than another $1200 too...
Unemployed Americans or businesses that are forced to shut down should receive support for as long as the lockdown is in place. Mortgages should be deferred for as long as the lockdown to ease the burden. Totally unreasonable to expect someone to catch up X months of rent with X months of pay. Though there should be some strict screening for who receives it as they need to prove they need the help and are actively looking for new work.
Rising Star
I haven't even received my first one, so...