Openings at Accenture. Microsoft Azure.
Min 2.5 years of experience.
Microsoft Azure Paas,
Microsoft Azure DevOps,
Microsoft Azure Logic Apps,
Microsoft Azure Architecture,
Microsoft Azure Data Services,
Microsoft Azure IoT Services,
Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Services,
Microsoft Azure Analytics Services,
Microsoft Azure Active Directory
I have an account with Marcus, no complaints
I have a Marcus account and it's fine.
I opened a Sofi account because it's a higher rate (2.5%) and it has a cash bonus ($25 if you sign up with referral, $300 with direct deposit). Can give you a referral if you need one.
I have a Marcus one that is giving me 3.15% due to the referral bonus. Can’t complain. UI is good and transfer process is simple
This will give you an extra 1% on Marcus. Currently 3.15% with no minimum deposit.
My savings rate for savings is 13% gross and it goes into Marcus. Have about half a year saved in there so far
I have Marcus. No complaints
Treasury Direct. 4+% on 1 yr notes. 2.6% on 1 month bills.
I’ve never bought anything but i bonds on Treasury Direct. This is great advice. Thanks, K2.
I signed up with Marcus since I didn’t have to go through the hoops Sofi required.
And opened the accts with Chase for the $600 bonus.
Thanks for sharing
i use ally. getting 2.25. i see above marcus giving 3.15?! damn
For those that may be interested in opening the HYSA with Marcus, here’s the referral code!
I used Capital One, high APY (comparable to Ally + Marcus) and local branches for when I need it, and no fees
I use Ally because they (typically) have a similar rate to Marcus and I like the buckets feature. Especially useful if you use the concept of sinking funds
My household uses Marcus and we really are enjoying it.
I started a HYSA for my mother (never had savings) and used Ally bc of the buckets to give her a visual. The only downside about Ally is the delayed deposits if you request transfers
Marcus is super fast, almost instant!
I had a check out that I forgot about that would put me at negative balance. I saw it and quickly moved money and don’t think I got into any issues or trouble