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Trump is an honorable man, and only speaks the truth.
I'll bite, with the preface that I consider myself somewhere near the center, politically:
1. I don't think it was that big of a swipe at the MeToo movement. I think it was a questionably worded way of highlighting the fact that some of the MeToo claims (RE Aziz Ansari style) are going too far. I can't defend his choice of words, but I do think the movement can be taken too far, and I'm sure a lot of his supporters agree with that, so it was a smart chord to harp on.
1b. For the Warren issue that begat the remark, she was dishonest about her ancestry, and got caught. Even her actually native american democratic opponent in MA ran ads highlighting her dishonesty. She should have to bear that burden, because it shows she is dishonest, likely did it for personal gain, at the cost of actual native people.
1c. Her swipe back is correct that it's important to get the children united with their parents. It's not a uniquely Trump thing (why didn't she care when it was happening before? Maybe she didn't know, maybe we'll never know if she did), but now that we're focusing on it, we should be correcting the issue, which the ongoing DNA testing will hopefully do.
2. I can't defend the IQ comment, it's stupid and entirely baseless.
PS: Regarding point #1, Bill Maher has an excellent segment on how much time some Democrats waste going after petty things like this, while Republicans win elections. Is this (or issues like this) really a hill worth dying on?
Have you heard Trump talk? Is that what smart sounds like?
Obama and Trump are absolutely brilliant. To call either of them stupid is to be incredibly stupid yourself for failing to see how they masterfully played voters like a fiddle.
Obama was elected by saying “I’m black and we need a black president because true leadership qualities and experience don’t matter when your skin color isn’t white.” Any detractors to that statement are blind to the democrats rhetoric.
Trump was elected because democrats have been fighting for years to marginalize and impoverish middle americans while deploying the soft bigotry of low expectations on minorities. Trump capitalized on this and was a brazen asshole to the establishment the whole time.
That being said I detest both of them and I think they’re pushing dangerous ideologies.
I mean, the man made fun of McCain who is dying and GHWB who just lost his wife. He’s a scumbag and I’d consider his supporters the same
C1, it’s not at all clear that Warren lied. Her parents told her that she had some native blood. She’s from Oklahoma where lots of people do. So she believed them. I similarly have no proof that my parents actually gave birth to me. I’ve been taking them at their word all this time
As for DNA tests: completely ridiculous. If the government is going to separate children, it should keep track of the children. Demanding DNA tests to fix their idiotic lack of a plan is crazy unless there’s a some evidence to suggest that the parents aren’t telling the truth.
Have you heard Maxine talk? She is not smart
Maxine Waters is pretty dumb. No disagreement there. Do u want to try to defend her intelligence?
As for the metoo thing - I actually don’t understand the implication he was trying to make there. Came off as a stupid sloppy attack (like most of his attacks are)
Why feed the troll? I think trump thrives on everything he says becoming a headline and a subject of debate. People gasping and running for shelter after every controversial tweet or comment is getting old. Fact is that he hasn’t changed one bit since the campaign and this is the brand. Debate should be about what’s the alternative, and who is going to provide effective opposition /leadership
If a person like Trump can make it to POTUS everybody can. Qualification and integrity are overrated.
Well he's a billionaire and got elected president so hes not dumb. He certainly dumbs down his speech to appeal to the average person.
MC1 that’s a gross and patronizing oversimplification of Obama’s platform. Nice dog whistles tho. If you’re actually interested in his campaign issues, here’s a handy guide:
D1 that’s cute. I remember when I believed in fairy tales
BCG1, I don’t understand what you’re saying. Warren made a mistake. Trump lies on purpose and doubles down because he knows people can’t tell the difference. Can you?
Specifically talking about his shitting on the me too moment and accusing a congresswoman of having an IQ in the mid 60s
OW1 there's a big difference between "my parents always told me I had <fill in the blank> heritage" and "I officially do" when applying for jobs.
Of course she did it for an advantage in applying, and got caught doing it. It's unfair to those with actual, significant native heritage for an already privileged white woman to claim those benefits too, because she for some reason needs an additional leg up.
C1, all of what you just said is rampant speculation. There is on evidence she used it in a job application or that it influenced her hiring.
It’s funny how the press will bend over backwards to justify a liberals false claims (eg Warren) but will print any innuendo laden rumor about trump. Look I think the whole Warren pocohantas stuff is nonsense but stuff like that politifact article just feed the whole fake news narrative
The respect for native peoples is so high right now