Always struggled w depression somewhat and go through low days where it’s hard to get out of bed. Usually spaced out though. But COVID has made this worse. Been very unable to put in consistent work. I live w my fiancé and he just told me he’s been thinking hard how to proceed w the relationship because he is brought low also by these struggles of mine and doesn’t want a partner who struggles w this (lazy wo willpower - paraphrasing). I don’t know what to do. He’s mentioned these things (cont)
Mental health should not make you unlovable. Have you communicated to him what you’d like him to do for you when you have these low days? Let him know you just need some hugs and comfort.
My sisters husband is struggling with having extreme lows and highs right now and has been going to therapy a lot - I think they’ve determined he’s bipolar and they’re trying out different medications to see what works for him. Have you ever gotten professional help to make sure it’s just depression and not something more? Have you ever tried medication?
When I’m having a rough time sometimes I just need some time and space but usually it’s my partner who helps me through it and bounce back. I don’t know your whole situation but it makes such a big difference to have a supportive partner who wants to be there for you through the good and bad. I hope you’re able to talk it out and feel better about your situation!
Rising Star
(Cont) before COVID so I know this has always been a hesitation for him and something he worries about. (He worries I will struggle hard core w it when we have kids and he might have to take on all the emotional and physical labor for the family). I really do see his perspective and want to change for myself and for him but haven’t really been able to make more than very minor advances in 10 years. Hard to believe I could change to resolve his issues even though I want to.
When I struggle I just want to know I’m loveable and cared for and be hugged and comforted. I want it to be ok that I struggle w these things. But it’s not - it’s never been a nonfactor even for me (lost jobs over it, it’s reduced my lifetime opportunities and earning even though I’ve always tried to be a high performer). It’s impacted things and will impact him. So I get it. But don’t know how to just magically snap out of it. And i just want to know from him I’ll be loved and accepted no matter what. And I’m not getting that. But i also know that’s an unrealistic ask - I’m not sure I would be able to do that in reverse for someone struggling like this either. When does mental health make you unlovable? At what point do you encourage your partner to keep up hope in you and ask for more grace and understanding? At what point is it ok for them to leave because of your inability to change?