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I just went through my renewal and didn’t have to “prove” my address. I don’t think your parents address would be a problem as long as you had a passport
Dang. I didn’t get any questions other than “how are you?” And little small talk about what global entry meant and didn’t mean when going through security at airports. And how some thought it entitled them to be jerks and get pretentious when randomly selected for additional screening 😂
I just went through signing up for Precheck a few months ago and don’t think that would be an issue. I answered some questions online, brought my license and birth certificate in with me (passport expired, oops), paid, got my picture and fingerprints taken, and basically confirmed all of the answers I had already given online. You can do the online questions ahead of time for free and see if there is any small print about address in them, then schedule the appointment if it looks clear.