Originally from Italy, I've been out to anyone at my former jobs in Europe without ever worrying about the reactions of my coworkers. Now I'm Asia and just started a new job, but one of my colleagues (also an expat) made a very weird statement about gay people having more chances of developing cancers (?!?!?), so I feel a bit skeptical about talking about my private life... The problem is that anybody else seems to be so welcoming and open-minded, except for this one guy. Any advices?
Always network
Not necessarily, but it depends on what you want out of your job
Depends on how much you like your job. If you love what you do now, it’s ok. If you want to get promoted or change jobs someday, or get a raise of more than 3%, then talk to your coworkers.
Visual Storyteller
Was that a real question?
Visual Storyteller
More you interact more comfortable you will become and more confident and comfortable you will become.
It says you have earned a badge of "conversion starter" so sleep down you are not as shy as you think. Perhaos you lack confidence which is not the same as being shy
Visual Storyteller
Bruh, network
No problem staying by yourself as long as you exceed a certain threshold of effort. Probably won’t go far though
Everyone will tell you to network but super meh to that unless youre trying to actually build connections and move up. I generally dont stick around long enough to care.