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You have to still bill all the hours. If you start the week of December 25th, you are required to bill 2,000 hours in that last week or you will be fired out of a cannon into the Pacific Ocean at dawn.
No and god help you if you submit for reimbursement
Pro rated and maybe with a ramp up mechanism in addition
They should prorate the billable target. I started in July of last year and mine was about 950 I believe.
What was the total billable target for the year?
They’ll tell you it’ll be prorated and then at the end of the year forget that and shun you for not taking the initiative to make up 5.4 months of work in your spare time, which I remind you is no longer your spare time but the firms time now.
Nah just a former law firm employee currently back on the government payroll.
Speaking of which it’s almost time for my second breakfast. I won’t respond to this post until 2:00 (if you’re lucky)
They prorate your billable. But I would honestly go in with the mindset that you’re not going to hit it (or at least, be prepared). There is a “ramp up” period. Partners and people need to get to know you before giving you a lot of work, there’s training, other non-billable work, ect. I didn’t start consistently billing 40+ hours/week of billable work until around month 5, and I was told that’s normal.
Best advice is to negotiate before starting a prorated hours target that is based on a start date of a month or two later than your actual start date. E.g., If you’re starting in May, negotiate for having to bill hours target hours from June/July to the end of the year. Otherwise, with onboarding and ramping up, it is nearly impossible to hit straight prorated hours.
Agreed. Mine was prorated but I didn’t have solid work for three months. Missed my hours and got crap for it.
Most firms will prorate specifically with a set goal (some additionally have a ramp up period, but that usually isn't too long). Some will simply look at your billing at the end of the year and let you know whether they felt it was on pace with the work they had for you.
I started mid way last year. No ramp up period. I should have asked at my interview. Spent half of 2021 killing myself to make up the lost time i spent learning and training. I was able to meet the requirement at EOY and got the billing bonus. Bought myself a nice bag as a reward and decided to literally never do that again.
I also just started a new job and I am kicking myself for not negotiating my pro rated hours (did not even know this was possible). I will not be eligible for a billing bonus anyway though since I did not work a full year, so I will just be aiming to meet my pro rated hours this year, if that!