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How do I learn how to interact with clients? Like advice for someone in sell side sales? Anyone know any good books or other resources? I found this video and I want to learn more tips like this:
You can look up ranges and geographic locations on the square. I usually search “salary range” and I think it comes up for me. Hope this helps!
What is the square? I don’t currently work for AMEX
May have gone up but I think it's like $160 base and 25 percent bonus. Amex is notorious in the industry for paying below peers across levels but to be fair, their levels are weird. A director there is like a VP/senior manager equivalent role.
For reference I received an offer for their corp strat group a year back. They offered 130-140 with a 12 percent bonus. It wasn't bad necessarily, but there's a bit of title inflation.
A director from what I've seen has 8-10 (latter is for post MBA folk). This was for their former SPG. Most of the folks I know there at the director level were early 30s