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Militant pro-lifers make me want to puke
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Sometimes she just sits and stares
Take a hot shower or use a heating pad before pumping. Also try a hand pump - that worked better. Additionally use an electric toothbrush to work out the clog. Apply pressure in front of the clog (like between the clog and nipple if possible).
I’ve seen a few tik toks that say Hakka pump with warm water and epsom salt helps
I got clogs quite often when I first had my now 5 month old. The only thing that worked for me was using the Haaka. Fill it about 3/4 full with very warm water, put a table spoon or so of epsom salt into the water and mix. Then put your nipple/areola into the haaka, squeeze the haaka so it reaches your nipple and the suction combined with the heat will help clear the duct after about 10-15 mins. You can actually see the clog clear into the water and you can see the consistency the clog is kind of sticky. Here’s a link with a video showing how:
Sunflower lecithin, ibuprofen, haaka trick, VERY gentle massage. Do not aggressively rub it, that will cause inflammation and make it worse.
Thisssss. I legit bruised my breast trying to work out a clog and it hurt so much ☹️