Hi everyone,
I'm currently working with management on a promotional offer. I've never negotiated before, and always accepted the first offer
My question is, I have identified a certain range that I feel better aligns with with current expectations, along with the addition of more responsibilities and expectations. When communicating that, should I I provide my highest expectation and negotiate from there?
My concern is, if I provide a range, they might just go with the lowest of the range.
I'm Asian and have been the only Asian in various client meetings or trainings on many occasions. Obviously it's more comfortable to see people that look like you while you're working, but you'll just need to work extra hard and go out of your way to break stereotypes in order to succeed. Sometimes I hear partners make rude comments like so and so has a very strong accent and use that to hold them back from promotion. If you fall in this category, let the quality of your work speak for itself, but make sure you go out of your way to highlight all that you've done. During evaluations, if you're the quiet type, people just use stereotypes to make assumptions about you. It's not comfortable, but you'll need to do it to grow as a professional.
I think in many locations where Asians make up a small minority, the stereotype is that you'll be a hard worker, more passive and won't complain. Make sure you go out of your way to be very vocal all the time. Find mentors online or through networking at events like ASCEND.
I’m a generally quiet guy from Africa and I second this 100%. Take credit for the work you do and be vocal else you’ll get skipped for promotions and the like. I learnt my lesson 2 years ago.
In the US, lots of firms will hire Asians out of school. In many bigger cities, Asians are the majority of the incoming staff. However, as you move up, the number of Asians in leadership roles, like partner, quickly shrink. It's not because Asians are not good leaders, but there's clearly something stopping Asians from breaking that ceiling. Talking about these issues and learning how to self promote early on will help bring about change for the next generation.
Clearly SD1 doesn't have any idea about Asian culture
Happened to me and I relocated to bigger city. It helps tremendously
Try being Latino or black
Lo share your experience
I understand this, I’m sorry you have to encounter it. I would suggest exploring middle market firms. This exist everywhere but seems worse at B4 and local firms.
Middle market firm