Need help on deciding to stay or accept new job offer:
Current role pros: a lot of responsibility, on investments team, like industry focus, good growth potential, CEO loves me, more “prestigious” for whatever that’s worth, learning more really smart people - new role pros: matched base and bonus, better WLB, carried interest - new role cons: switching out of investment to portfolio management, don’t like industry as much, less “prestige”, forgoing bonus I’ll get in March no sign on bonus
VP and have been pretty burnt out for about 9 years now
Haven’t felt it yet but am only doing 50-60 hours a week at my firm
Pats two weeks have been 8:30-12:00am, this week better though at my MM
I've been consistently putting in 70+ hours a week. Burnout doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now.
Usually work 16 hour days. Had a free morning and slept an extra 5 hours