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Do you regret getting a PhD?
Nice. With great skills in UX your monetary growth would be better than FE.
Hi 😀 I feel you completely. Was working as a Software Engnr for the past 4 yrs. and recently switched completely into UXD.
Yeah I learnt uxd all by myself. Through youtube, google uxd certificate course, udemy courses and I also did a workshop with GrowthSchool (Ui mastery program) which helped me extremely in building my portfolio.
When I felt that my portfolio was good enough to be showcased I started applying for job search and after few rejections which were mainly because I did not have any professional experience in UxD… One company believed in my potential and I proved my Ux skills via a Design Assessment round.
But all of this took me a lot of time. I started learning ux and ui by myself during my after office hours(2 hrs daily) in 2020 September. And I got my job offer in 2022 January. So yeah it was a lengthy journey for me but I am glad it worked.
UX Design is a growing stream in India. It's better and relaxing than development.
PS. You need to be creative to be into UX for better success.
Thanks. I personally think I'm creative and interested to learn and work on UI things
Do get a professional course or degree if you areally wanna be taken seriously