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Hlw, on the 1st day how much time they will take to complete onbording process in IBM KOLKATA, Monday i am hving onbording with ibm also i need to return train reservation thats why i need to know this Please let me know, if anyone joined recently in ibm Kolkata?? Thanks in advance😊 IBM Cognizant Deloitte Tata Consultancy
Podcast. The Hilarious World of Depression. Just found it two days ago.
+100 for Hilarious World of Depression. Assuming you’re in the mood to laugh at least a little at the dark shit life puts us through (which for me, at least at this point, is pretty much every day).
Insight Timer is a great meditation app with way more contributors and guided meditations.
Booster buddy, buddhify, 7 cups, calm harm, and DBT. Hope that helps!
Cool. Thanks guys!