Any good podcasts or apps on the topic of mental health, chronic pain or stress management? I just know of Headspace. Thanks

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Podcast. The Hilarious World of Depression. Just found it two days ago.


+100 for Hilarious World of Depression. Assuming you’re in the mood to laugh at least a little at the dark shit life puts us through (which for me, at least at this point, is pretty much every day).


Insight Timer is a great meditation app with way more contributors and guided meditations.


Booster buddy, buddhify, 7 cups, calm harm, and DBT. Hope that helps!


Cool. Thanks guys!

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Anyone been on medication for binge eating disorder? Anything that worked?


Posting here because I have nobody to talk to. I feel sad. I feel like nobody cares how I feel or how I’m doing. My birthday is in two weeks. Nobody cares. Feeling really down tonight.


Sending everyone good vibes on World Mental Health Day 💗


WFH after a sleepless night of vivid intrusive suicidal thoughts. So emotionally exhausted that I can barely focus. If anyone has any words of encouragement or solidarity, I’d be very grateful.


Advertising isn’t the only field that experiences this type of situation. Most people learn differently from others, still others like myself with ADHD and my grandson on the autism spectrum, we definitely see things and learn things in a different way. We all get to the same place we just take a different route. People need to keep that in mind before placing others on PIPS. Keep the journey in mind and allow the person the luxury of listening, you might learn something.


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(For background: I’m diagnosed bipolar and medicated, and have been in touch w my therapist about this already. Just curious to see if anyone else is relating at the moment so I feel less alone, and to see if anyone has any coping mechanisms I might not have tried yet)

Thx 🐠🐟🐡😘


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