Any good resources for those starting in crypto? Seems to be a lot of info out there and not a lot of “here is how it is done” without all the BS and fluff.

Maybe asked a different way, if you could start off on crypto again, what would you do differently (besides not buying a pizza with bitcoin and not mining bitcoin).

Thanks for the help as I venture into this crazy place!

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This question is twice every week.....



Finematics is great, stay away from price prediction videos and focus on the tech itself


Finematics are 🐐

Everything except the price prediction videos and drama channels on YT (the likes of BitBoy Crypto and similar) - try watching technical videos that explain the underlying functionality of the technology before watching videos that explain specific coins or tokens


Introduction to Altcoins Cryptocurrencies Beyond Bitcoin

Not lose the password to my wallet with 1 or 2 bitcoins 10 years ago.

It helps to have technical knowledge. A lot of people out there can’t understand trade offs in technical implementation so they can’t discern that some use case isn’t particularly novel

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