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Hi All , I am getting an offer of 62k euros in Netherlands. Currently i have 26lpa fixed +27 % variable for 10 yoe sap functional. Is it good to consider this offer or pass since my annual appraisal will also increase my ctc this month. Thanks Accenture India Tata Consultancy Deloitte EY
And here is a status report for this week.

Additional Posts in We're Pregnant!
How did you make mom friends?
we found a "mom or dad" quiz on amazon and filled it out and had guests guess answers- person with most points won. It was cute, questions like, "who wants a minivan more, who will be the stricter parent, who will change the first diaper". Also, not for prizes but really fun for the parents is to have guests fill out a prediction sheet: gender/name/date of birth/size/etc - really cool to re-look at once baby does come
we can play what baby is you having a girl are a boy