Any pawrents who live in a condo and have to leave the dog alone at home while at work (before COVID) does that really work?

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I did. I had a dog walker come once a day. I used to have soo much guilt about it but you know what my dogs do when im home all day? Literally nothing. They just sleep on the couch! All day!


Haha really dogs can sleep all day? Lol

We used to have a walker come 3x / week, and used a doggy daycare the other 2 days so our pup could get more social time with other dogs. That was a good mix since she often just likes to sleep


I did. Older mellow dogs, who got a long walk every morning and napped regardless of whether I was there or not. No need for crates or gates, completely trustworthy.

In the time since, we’ve had two younger foster dogs and I couldn’t imagine doing this. They’d have to be crated all day or the house would get torn to bits. It wouldn’t be a fair situation.

If they are crated. Will they bark all day?

My dog and I have done this for basically his whole life in multiple cities. He’s a great apartment dog. When he was a pup and there was another dog across the hall, they would bark at each other all day. Now that I have a furbo I can confidently say that he just sleeps all day.

I will add the caveat that he is a small dog so I think that makes things a bit easier.

I adopted an older dog (6-7) who is pretty mellow but has energy spurts. We had a rough patch the first few weeks, but told our neighbors in advance of adoption and throughout the process of soothing her anxiety. It took a few months to make sure it was quiet, but stimulus is key (AKA long walk before work and again when we get home because our girl sleeps all day + isn’t super into playing with toys on her own)

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