Any recs for what to do about anovulation? Hope is not a good strategy and I think I need to take the next step and do something. acupuncturist, fertility specialist, no clue where to start...

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See an RE. It’s pretty common, mine was caused by PCOS. Got pregnant through letrozole and IUIs


If you know you don’t ovulate, see an RE. I just learned I have anovulation, even though I’ve known I had PCOS for over half my life.
If your goal is to get pregnant, the earlier you see an RE, the earlier you will know specifically what treatment is best for you- could be really simple or not. See the doc- good luck!


I don’t have a solution but I feel your pain. I have been off the pill and barely anything. And would also get signs of ovulation then no period and not pregnant. Going to gyno in two weeks


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