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Me 🥴 haven’t done anything. Just try not to strain while pooping and make sure I am well hydrated and eat plenty of fiber. Supposedly they can resolve on their own. Still waiting for mine to 🙃 Had them after my second birth (he’s almost 3 now) and made them worse with my third (almost 3 months).
I am on my second and had a thrombosed at 29 and 30 weeks with both pregnancies. Its basically when the hemmoroid clots and turns blue black, (no blood flowing). They have to cut to drain.
I have an appointment in april tk have the ass checked out to see if were going to tie, freeze or inject to get rid of them for good.
What do you mean by struggling with them?
If they simply exist and they bother you- welcome to the club. They do tend to resolve themselves and go away after a few years
And if they are causing issues that make you avoid going to the bathroom, then I would say maybe be talking to surgeons
Struggle means having them during every bowel movement. Yes, I ha e an appointment to address them.