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Survey please respond Big 4
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I run an analytics website that aims to provide more transparency for college students and young working professionals into potential career paths. I have a survey below specifically targeted for Big 4 professionals. If you have the time can you please fill out this survey? The survey will not ask for any personal information. If you are interested in the results of the survey please email
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Anyone else having problems with ants?
Any plans for 3 day weekend plan from LA?
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
It’s mostly a farming community with some oil and gas and other blue collar industries so if you are looking for bougie living, I don’t see it happenin.
I live in Murrieta which neighbors Temecula. Area has been blowing up for the last 3yrs because people are moving out of LA in droves and the cities see the revenue to be made by giving up the undeveloped land
Its nice to buy a quality cocktail at a bar for $5
Maybe in the next 50+ years but not anytime soon buddy
It saw serious growth during the pandemic so you may be behind the trend. Folks that want to stay in California but not live in LA/SF will consider it but a lot of those people just move to Texas so it’s sort of niche (lots of family in CA of love for national parks are basically the only 2 reasons).
Californias plan for population is to build more in downtown city areas so don’t think Bakersfield is necessarily “in the plan” for the state