Anyone buying today?

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Just bought some tomatoes and potatoes. Still rationing the toilet paper. Whatcha buyin'?



Gotta get those tendies somehow

SPY puts — ez 5 tendies


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If I withdraw some profits to give my fam , I'll obviously pay at my tax rate (which is high). Is it better and fine to just directly transfer the crypto to them and they can sell it ? (I know there's a 15k gift tax)

Would appreciate advice -- thanks!


My MAGI is under 129k, but it’s still saying I over invested in my Roth IRA. (I invested $6k).

I thought 6k under $129K was fine? Really lost here


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Last years rates, anyone could have done well. You didn't have to sell a mortgage, people just applied.

With the market where it is today, what are some of you doing to counter the "rates are too high" comment from buyers?

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Having 10+ yrs of experience. Looking for job change. Updating naukri profile daily, but still not getting interview calls.
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Can any body tell me i worked one year in cts,now i am in bench,if i put paper in bench exactly how many days they will take to release me ?


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Additional Posts in Personal Investment Chatter

Hi everyone! I’m a young professional right out of college getting into investing and personal finance management. Trying to better understand and educate myself on personal finance and investment strategies. Can someone recommend some recourses (books, podcasts, experts to follow, etc.) where it’s clearly explained for beginners? Trying to make sense of 401Ks, Roth IRAs, emergency funds etc.
Like I’m looking for someone like Dave Ramsey but for investment and money management advice.


Where would you put 25k right now?

(Have 8-month emergency fund and no consumer debt)


Where should I invest my Roth IRA? Currently making 401K all in S&P. HSA also all in S&P.


Have my fathers Ira passed down to me due to his passing a few years back. Can I transfer the assets into my own account or can I move them to my own Roth IRA (pay taxes on the gain)? Want to simplify and have less accounts


My grandmother opened a mutual fund account for me with Putnam investments. She started it with $500 and its at $2000 now but I never touched it and have no clue how to use it or make it grow. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


What’s the mutual fund at vanguard that is equivalent to VTI/VOO


I’m 26 - should I be paying ~$25 per pay period for long term disability?


Got back some money I was owed. Roughly 10k. Considering tax year is almost over.. do I put it all in my TFSA, RSA, or the market?


Bought Alibaba back in 2020 and it’s been downhill from there. Should I sell off the $3k max for tax loss harvesting? Does this just reduce my income tax on that 3k?? No other investment sales this year. New to this, thanks.


My MAGI is under 129k, but it’s still saying I over invested in my Roth IRA. (I invested $6k).

I thought 6k under $129K was fine? Really lost here


Can you get out of an apartment lease due to COVID-19?


Can Deloitte use WealthFront?


Can someone give me an idea of what your investments look like? I’ve done large deposits and never touched again however, I am thinking I should start DD right into a vanguard account from my paychecks but I really don’t know how much and what to deposit into. Current investments are into an expensive roboadvisor which is ok, but I’m trying to find other investment strategies that aren’t so aggressive or expensive. Currently make about 230TC with base and bonus and max out 401k. TIA


Maxing out 401k, would you direct addtl savings to:
a) brokerage account invested in blue chip stock (heavy tech)
b) Inv prop mortgage paydown (5.25% interest)
c) other recommendations?


Bought Boeing today 🥵🙉


For those of you who don’t believe in crypto, what do you think will be the catalyst to crash it?


What is the best way to beat inflation? I have a few techniques but curious what everyone’s thoughts are?


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Is there an average % of my salary I should be investing per month/year? Currently max out my 401k, Roth and HSA. Contribute $700/month to investment portfolio and ~3k a month towards a future down payment (expecting that 3k to transition to my monthly mortgage payment once I find a home). There’s usually about ~1k left over that I balance between savings and portfolio but didn’t know if there was one I should allocate more to? Will need to do backdoor Roth next year so can contribute more there