Fam need advice.. I’m struggling in my rl lately. My gf and I met virtually on social media and have been together for almost a year. Things are great normally, but whenever there comes a bit spark of argument, my gf just turned into someone else, very emotional every time, keeping this it’s all your fault attitude… She tends to go to extremes and often times went too much, e.g., she bent (hurts a lot atm but fingers ok) my fingers as part of couple fun fights (it started with her pinching me)…
My trick in recent years has been to throw a longish party at a hotel…7 pm to 11 pm and invite everyone there and be done with those who you don’t want to do one-on-one. Gets a lot of such potential visits out of the way
you know your in-laws and out-laws best.
Have you tried surprise or unannounced visit? We don’t have this problem but a friend always visits unannounced and usually stays first 3 days in a hotel, and then stays 5 days with parents and remaining days with in laws. Still has some local folks visiting over chai but out of town folks usually stay put. We have the reverse problem, everyone is busy and don’t want to travel, but would nag us to visit them!