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Ok be honest, candidates. I really love this set of questions, I’ve been considering shifting my current interview style to these questions - I think they really give you an idea of who this person would be within the work setting. But the questions almost feel too deep for a recruiter to ask. What would you think if a recruiter took a different path and asked these questions instead of the usual ones?
Ugh! I can’t stand office cliques! Annual review 3.5/4 (among the best/promote immediately) is what my evaluation said, yet I’ve been passed over 3 times. 1: I applied and wasn’t given a response that I wouldn’t be interviewed until after the interviews had been completed. 2: I was told, “we want to judge your response to not being interviewed”. Since my response to the first time was asking my co-workers how the companies promotion process worked. 3: not even told of the promotion option. J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.
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Capgemini Last month 22nd aug I had just changed my company.Now I have taken 5.5 days of leave,1.5 for family relocation and rest 4 are taken due to my bad health issue. Now I got a Provisional offer(DOJ 19 SEPT)letter from Capgemini and giving me higher package. Now the capgemini Hr is telling me to put resign and you need to join capgemini in next week Monday,HR also told,she need relieving letter of current cmpny because capgemini offered me higher package due to current cmpny package.Would I get relieving?
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Which agencies are open this week? 🙄
Thoughts on working at McCann or INNOCEAN?
What agency is Rogers going to?
LI the day after AOY

Tell me You’re bragging without telling me you’re bragging
That’s the thing, my book isn’t even on my LinkedIn right now. I feel like they’re just contacting everyone, that’s why I asked.
Working for agencies generally sucks right now and more people are leaving than ever I’ve seen. Hopefully agencies start to catch on and make less toxic, more viable workplaces. Until then expect calls from recruiters trying to fill roles that really no one wants.
I’ve been getting 2-3 messages a week. It seems like every agency is understaffed right now.
I’ve been getting at least two recruiters reaching out to me every week this year so far. I’ve never seen this much demand.
Visual Storyteller
Yes demand is high.
It’s exhausting. But not as exhausting and mindlessly copy and pasting the same ineffectual blurb they sent to the last writer.
When it's easy to blast messages to 100s of potential candidates with a click of a button recruiters get lazy.
The amount of time i got approached for "opportunities" that would say me back 8 years in my career is quite sad.
Recruiters just filter by title and blast the email.
There is a need for talent right now which recruiters are struggling to fill. This also means that they broaden their search parameters with less quality leads. So more people are getting contacted but not necessarily with the right opportunity fit.