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Bros... the whole reason for going so fast into quarantine is to avoid even more people, such as yourself, from getting sick or worst case scenario dying. Let’s all plz take a step back and look at the bigger picture. The reason there’s no progress in the message is because we are *still* in a pandemic. When the pandemic becomes an endemic (bc can’t eradicate anytime soon at this point with our numbers, unless someone miraculously mass produces a vaccine by EOY), we will have a much clearer idea of a go forward path
D1, in the words of Pixar (skip to 10:50):
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Yes. We're just treading water, and it's leaking into personal life. We have goals and dreams that requires human interaction, not limited to work, but also social lives. Humans were not evolved to be indoors and isolated.
Rising Star
Feel the same. Like we can’t go to recess because some kids in the class keep acting up.
For me it’s not even the people that I’m talking about. I’m talking about the same message over and over with no actual progress being mapped. Like contact tracing. Our governor keeps talking about it but I want like amazon shipment updates lol. Last week we started a plan, this week we got approval, next week we begin getting the plan implemented and so on and so forth.
Rising Star
Your mistake is thinking about it terms of weeks, not months.
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What quarantine? Things are pretty much back to normal in my city
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I don't. I think we should still be quarantined
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Social distancing was to slow the spread of the virus and buy time for us to get our stuff together. America hasn't sufficiently beefed up contact tracing or testing capacity in line with what other countries have relative to their populations though and likely won't before the end of summer. I think Americans typically only like to inconvenience themselves when there's a direct threat, so for some people if they're not seeing a lot of deaths in their communities they don't see the point of physical distancing anymore even though it's part of the reason why the spread in their communities has been slower. When/if there's a spike in deaths, people will likely forget they complained about the stay at home orders and blame their politicians for reopening.
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No, I said "slow the spread and buy time...", not slow the spread "to" buy time.
Should be thinking about time in terms of months, not weeks.