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If you have trouble buying the right amount of fresh veggies, buy frozen/ canned veggies and keep a healthy stock of those. Then, each time you go to the store, buy less fresh veggies than you think you’ll eat until your next trip. This way, if you finish your fresh veggies early, you have your frozen/ canned veggies to tide you over. Continue adjusting until you find a good balance of enough fresh veggies & not wasting any. For bread - freeze it.
Nope all good over here. In fact, the opposite as you. Eating up more of the food, less waste.
Anytime fruit is starting to go bad, slice it up and throw it in the freezer for future smoothies. Has saved me tons.
You can freeze bread and then take it out the night before. Or take out a few slices and pop them in the over for a few minutes.
Try investing or learning how to cook those “I’m too tired to cook” meals.
You may be too tired to spend an hour chopping and washing and frying and boiling and putting things in the oven. But are you too tired to macaroni? Throw in frozen chicken strips, buffalo sauce and a can of stewed tomatoes and you have a simple dinner that cooks in one pot.
Also, when planning for a large family—buy the foods that have dozens of uses. Eggs, onion, green pepper, potato, tomato, garlic. Add one or two ingredients to any combination of those and you have 100s of good family meals. When you buy a bag of lettuce you have locked yourself into making salads. When you buy random ingredients like radish or squash then you probably had a single dish in mind. So buy the foods that can be used in everything, that way they get used!
Stop buying costco quantities, use the freezer, think of the in n out model- buy small variety of foods that can be used for multiple types of meals/dishes (think onions good for saute, salads, sandwiches, stews, and lots more)....meal planning 2 weeks in advance is like predicting the S&P 500 in 2 years :)
I have emergency frozen veg, fruit, seafood, meats, bread for the lazy days. And for emergencies. Duh!
Menu planning and ingredients with multiple uses for different cuisine styles (grains, meats, marinades) have been a big win for us. The latter, especially when we just don’t feel like going by the menu! Fresh produce is always tricky but finding alternatives to pre-prep for fridge/freezer-friendly options (smoothies, quiches, compotes/sauces, etc) is a good way to extend time (& also help with last minute or “no time to cook” issues).
Rising Star
I've gotten into more of a routine where we order only on weekends and limit ourselves to twice a week. We also create a menu for the week so we know what and how much of everything to get.
Only times I struggle is when my SO barely eats, which causes leftovers that throw off our weekly plan.
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I just buy groceries for a few days at a time. Usually go to the store 2-3 days a week. If I shop for a week I always end up wasting a lot (last minute takeout / dining etc).