Anyone else struggling? My wife is pregnant with morning sickness and we have a toddler so I am basically doing everything In between working. Feel like I’m about to break.

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You’re not alone. This is an incredibly tough time for working parents. Be realistic with what you can and cannot do. Prioritize keeping your toddler safe. I’ve seen and experienced quite a few accidents because parents are trying to do too much. Set designated working hours during nap and sleep times as much as you can.


Rising Star badge we’ll deserved


Congrats! Your family is fortunate to have a person like you in their life. When is your little one due?

I’m not in your predicament, but one of my best friend’s is. He’s IT and has the weight of his company on his shoulders WFH while also juggling a 2-1/2 year old, being there for his wife who is due in May, and also needing to help his widowed mom.

When you can, try to take some time for yourself, whether it’s to exercise, take a nap, or whatever you can to take the load off. At least there is light at the end of the tunnel and this is temporary. Once mama and baby are home healthy, your wife will be able to help relieve you a bit. Just think big picture. You got this. 🤗

PS If you haven’t done so, please communicate with your partner. Not in a “I’m doing too much around the house, you need to do more” sort of way. Let them know how this is impacting you. You two bounce ideas off of each other as to how you can help her better, she can help you, and if you have a friend or family member that may help as well.


What would’ve happened if you were on the road?


Wife would have handled it all even while sick.


Welcome to the world of being a female. 🤷‍♀️


Can you take PTO?


Yes, I think everyone has to “surrender” to this situation. Accept it.


Congratulations on being there for your family, prioritize that over work. Imagine your wife having to deal with morning sickness work and a toddler. Two people dealing with that burden will definitely make it easier.




Hit the covid code.


Welcome to “motherhood”


Man I feel this message so hard. Just realize the situation will improve and change over time. Hang in there.


It may seem insurmountable but it is not. Hang in there and remember they both need you but you can only be there for them if you take care of yourself first. So, take a day off from work if you can, take some time for yourself, and talk to friends or family who can be your support system while you continue being the support system for you family.


Hire a babysitter or nanny. We are in the same situation (I’m amidst 1st trimester misery) and we both still have to work full-time. We hired our daycare teacher full time. Been a breeze, aside from my miserable symptoms.


Groups under 10 have been the guidance and I don’t have any other option.


That’s my current situation. I’m basically not working. Wife works night shifts so during the day I’m taking care of the kids. When night comes I just want to sleep. I already communicated to my partners and they know I’m barely working at 10%.


We got an additional 12 days of self care. You should use them.

Breathe. Be thankful as it could be worse. Seriously. A newborn right now AND a toddler with a sick wife. It’s all relative.

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