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Worse: our industry is partially culpable, given the advertising model that's killing good journalism and promoting fake news
^ too aryan to be carin'?
Definitely struggling and also terrified. Super hard to focus.
Not to mention hyper targeting consumers. I mean voters. I mean users.
Yeah it's been a crippling week. I suggest not worrying about your job. Get it done then use your free time doing something productive. Reach out to your Muslim/immigrant coworker or neighbor and let them know you're there, you care, you're not ok with this. Goes a long way.
Get out there and participate in a protest. See the positivity out there. There are a lot of lights shining through this darkness. 💚
🤔 why don't we work with quality media outlets to battle the circulation of fake news?
100%. I went with a friend to give out water at the last protest. It was helpful. But I'm also trying to be mindful of when it gets to too much and I need to turn off the news.
🙋🏽 pretty much. Keep smiling.
I don't pay attention to politics. I pay attention to kerning.
Control the controllables.... ie... I can only control myself. My emotions. The world could be burning down around me but i'd be as zen as a panda.
No! You're not helpless. You only need to understand the process. LEAD YOUR LIFE. Make calls to your congressional leaders DAILY. Influence your friends to do the same. Especially leading up to important legislative voting dates. SM doesn't work. Letters don't work. Petitions don't work. Making calls actually works! Use your voice! Make a difference! You are empowered! 👍🏼
I'm not stressed. 💁🏼♂️
Currently jobless and trying to put together my portfolio and halfassedly job hunting ~because~ my portfolio is barely done and I feel like it sucks and it's stressing me out so much and even glancing at Facebook or any news this week makes my anxiety grow exponentially and I'm afraid for my friends and their families...guys, I can't take this 😥😢😭
^ woah full stops pls