Recently started a part-time gig as a Computer Specialist, FT job is in public safety/law enforcement. Working on certs, no degree - Basically I’m looking for recommendations in the Civil Service or government field for IT jobs. My current job has be doing everything from ordering, installing, and imaging computers, to video surveillance installation, to security systems, and managing our networks at local stores. I love my PT job, and want to do it FT. But insurance and pay don’t come close.
Water softener & use a better lotion.
Which one and how are you using the water softener? I put a filter on my shower but still a lot of chlorine coming through.
I noticed a super chlorine content! WHAT is going on?!
Damn I thought I was going crazy... my skin has been super dry and irritated after showering even with my normal moisturizing routine. This probably explains why.
Rising Star
I have a simple screw on filter on my shower (quick install between shower head and the pipe coming out of the wall) and a reverse osmosis water system under my sink for drinking water. Honestly RO water is so delicious, it ruined me.
I wondered about this, but never knew if something was up with the water.. is there work being done??
They usually use some other chlorine alternative but the water has always been rough on me and now it's worse. They're running chlorine to clean the pipes. Think I read something saying they're running it through May... maybe end of May.
I thought it was all the COVID-19 bleach disinfecting - but they’re doing this on purpose?! We need to switch to uv light like Europe.
They say safe levels but my shower and water all smell of chlorine and my skin smelled of chlorine one day