Anyone else unemployed and trying to stay mentally sharp during *gestures broadly to everything*? Thinking about taking an online class or something. Suggestions?

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You will never be worse for learning. Personally, I have been trying to learn more about how to better understand and use data to inform my copy. Right now I am trying to learn how to visualize data using a software package called Tableau. It's pricey--I am trying to learn the basics during the trial period just to better understand how it works and what it might show me--but a lot of companies use it so I figured some basic fluency might be useful. It has free e-training too. After I burn through that, I am going to look at some consumer analytics and data courses on Coursera.


I’m doing the same! General Assembly has some great intro classes for free and next I’m going to take a Marketing Analytics course on Coursera that’s being offered for free through July (the UVA one)

I’m throwing myself into personal projects and trying to ignore the helicopter that hovers over my apartment 16 hours a day.


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