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Spirit World is free of CoVID😬🙌🏻
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Massimo vs Nacho? And why?
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Fluke event, but my brother-in-law’s dad died after his 3rd shot (within 8 hours due to a heart attack)… he was an otherwise healthy 55 year old man… I’ve had 3 shots but I’m done after hearing that…
It’s interesting because while I’m not saying believing in immunization is ‘drinking the kool aid’, universal vaccination regardless of circumstances seems a bit more fitting of ‘drinking the kool aid’ 😂
I am immune compromised due to medication I take. I discussed with my doctor and opted not to get it yet. Protection peaks at 4 weeks and then you are essentially back to pre 4th dose protection by 8 weeks. I also had a reaction to the first booster so because of this I am not racing out to get a 4th. My doctor agrees it is helpful if you time it right. Maybe right before summer travels? But based on my experience with 3rd does, the limited protection isn’t justifying the shot this time around. Personally I feel pretty good about 3 doses and the use of antivirals if needed.
Yes, I’m immunocompromised and my doctor recommended it. I just get vaccinated when it’s recommended by my doctor
Clearly this was just OP looking for confirmation as to why not to get something that really isn't a big deal.
It's just a shot. If you don't understand how basic immunology works you can just say "No. I prefer to act like a child - and also refuse to eat my vegetables".
Rising Star
“it’s just a shot”
“basic immunology”
Will probably just get it with my flu shot this year because who cares, no reason not to.
Yes - medical reason. It’s only available for 50+ and 12+ with specific immune issues right now.
Rising Star
My wife just got it, mostly because she’s about to give birth and we ideally wanted the new kid to have the antibodies.
Having the vaccine is a near-guarantee that if you get Covid, it will be an extremely minor case.