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My name is Vania Awuah. I attend Regent University and I’m majoring in Industrial Organizational Psychology. I have my bachelors in Psychology. I am currently looking for jobs in my field such as consultant or human capital jobs. I have about 1-2 years in Human Resources but it is hard for jobs to accept me with my field. I let Regent University career service help me with my resume but I haven’t been able to find a job or get any job offers. Is there’s any advice or anything I can do? Regent University @
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Dimon on the beat, ho 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺
Are you all excited for Airbnb?
DM for any refrreal
Wordle 505 2/6
Rising Star
Yes—I was doing tech strategy consulting.
I can’t say enough good things about the switch and how happy I am with it.
Yes, I was in Logistics and changed to Software. I went back to school and got my degree. Biggest thing to remember is you are new to this skill and will be paid like a college graduate, not someone with several years of experience like most around your age bracket. Fortunately, software pays well and I was making more as entry level than I did in Logistics. If you’re good at it, you’ll advance your pay/career soon enough. I’d definitely recommend the change!
Does it requires coding?
Pretty good, if you like it you're welcome to join!
40s. I got PIP'd out of an HR job, went to a web development boot camp, turned around and got into instructional design. Eventually I designed stuff for Agile, became a scrum master, and here I am.
It's what your passion is . If you do it to make a paycheck run. If you want to find a place to work on your craft then go all in