Anyone have a spouse who isn't in their field and feel like it would be more interesting if both of you were in the same line of work?

I don't know if this is a symptom of quarantining but I'm just bored by the day to day banter we share about our kids and family. There's no thought provoking conversation that happens and any initiation from my side just gets dismissed. We enjoyed watching TV together but I haven't had time to do that for the last few months.

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I think that could happen to most of us even in the same profession. Consulting helps you evolve or change leaving the other person behind. Grass looks greener on the other side. Having divorced and now married - faced with the same dilemma, I have come to the conclusion that I will try to find common things even if it is watching tv or cooking. Starting a new relationship takes time and may have the same result. Think about your spouse as the other person you married for in terms of qualities and values. Find or make common . Covid does things to you...


Fair. You’re used to getting a lot of that enhancement and camaraderie and banter outside of the home.


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Hey, Guys!

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