How good is Allstate banglore when it comes to work culture, salary & hike? Also, WFH option available? Appreciate if someone shares the band/title/rank hierarchy. TIA
Microsoft 🐠 I just accepted an offer to be a technical specialist (pre-sales). Was curious what the typical annual stock award is? Recruiter said between 0-60k (vesting over 5 years). What’s typical, 50% of that? Thanks!
Need some specifics. McK or Capgemini?
Average probably 800
Half a million to 10s
Sure. 500k is not the average either. You can't be more precise with this kind of question.
Way too dependent on firm, tenure, type of work to give you a real estimate. 500K-1.5M should cover most early stage partners.
Let’s use examples from other commenter if possible —> McK, Capgemini and let’s add T2 Oliver Wyman?.. Thank you
500-1.5; what’s Glassdoor saying ?